Advertise with us

Showcase your business in Our District magazine and get your message delivered by Royal Mail to over 67,000 homes across Horsham District. The print edition of Our District is a stylish A4 colour magazine. It's packed with Council news, activities and updates on the issues that matter to our community.

Read our March 2025 edition (PDF file)

Four reasons to advertise with us

1. Wide readership
Over 67,000 magazines are printed and distributed to all households and to libraries across the District by Royal Mail.

2. Engaged readers
A previous promotion in the magazine on garden waste attracted 8,000 responses, a high engagement rate that shows residents read Our District cover to cover.

3. Long shelf-life
The magazine is only printed 3x a year so offers a four-month shelf life in a magazine that is kept for its useful reference information.

4. Eye-catching, useful content
Full of useful features, news, and reference information, Our District is a popular guide for Horsham District residents.
With limited advertising space given to the magazine, your advert will be surrounded by useful, colourful, inspiring content.


To discuss advertising options or book your space please email  Rates include your showcase in our printed magazine as well as in our online magazine with a click through from your advert direct to your website.

Prices are per advert. Prices shown excludes VAT. Payment must be made at least one month prior to publication.


Size of advert Single Issue Consecutive Double IssueConsecutive triple issue
Strip Advert (one fifth of a page) £325 £275£245
Quarter page advert £545 £495£455
Half Page advert £750 £695£645
Full page advert £1250 £995£945
Inside Front Cover £1495 £1295£1150

Advertising schedule for 2025

March Issue

Advert booking deadline

Friday 24 January

Advertisement artwork deadline

Friday 14 February

Distributed start date by Royal Mail

From 24 March

July Issue

Advert booking deadline

Friday 9 May

Advertisement artwork deadline

Friday 30 May

Distribution start date by Royal Mail

From 7 July

November issue

Advert booking deadline

Friday 5 September

Advertisement artwork deadline

Friday 26 September

Distribution start date by Royal MailFrom 3 November

Get in touch

To discuss advertising options or book your space please email

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