Edition: July 2024
Are you planning to update, renovate or extend your home? Sussex Building Control is here to help.

Get set to build
A great place to start your project is on our website with our handy step-by-step e-booklets. Our guides take you through extending and renovating your home as well as giving you clear advice to make it more sustainable. Whilst these guides don’t replace professional advice, they should give you a much better understanding of where to start. They cover the main challenges that you are likely to face and how building regulations will affect the design and construction of your project, as well as taking you through planning and other permissions you might need to consider.
Flick through our great guides online at: www.horsham.gov.uk/building-control/guidance-and-case-studies/building-control-guidance
Choose us for your project
As you progress with your plans, using Sussex Building Control for your project, means you will benefit from our impartial advice, expert knowledge, and practical local experience to help your project run smoothly. Our goal is to ensure buildings are safe, accessible and energy efficient. At the end of your project, we give you the compliance certificate you need to sell your home or building.
Contact us
If you are planning a new extension, conversion, or other type of home improvement, then please contact Sussex Building Control. You can find more information and contact details on our website via the link below.
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