In this edition we put the spotlight on the Council's climate-friendly projects, celebrate national recognition for Horsham Park, and bring you an update on how the water neutrality issue can affect our District.
Plus, how we're helping struggling residents with rising energy costs, top-line results from our food waste trial, and stories from the community.
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Summer 2022 articles

Welcome to the Summer 2022 edition
An introduction to the Summer 2022 edition from Councillor Jonathan Chowen, Leader of Horsham District Council.

How Piers is helping nature to thrive
New landowner Piers Clark is re-cultivating his land near Rusper to create better habitats for wildlife, trees and grassland.

Got any climate-friendly project ideas?
How our local community is continuing to tackle climate change with our Community Climate Fund grants

Warden vehicle fleet goes green
Our Neighbourhood Wardens have switched to hybrid cars and electric bikes.

Going electric in Storrington and Billingshurst
The new rapid charge points allow electric vehicles to be recharged to 80% in about 40 minutes.

New eco-friendly community facilities are ready to hire
Blackbridge Community Centre in Horsham has been completely remodelled.

Helping you meet rising energy prices
How the Warmer Homes Scheme and Local Energy Advice Partnership could help you.

Help with cost of living crisis
A special package of measures has been introduced by the Council recently, funded primarily by the 2.9% Council Tax revenue increase this year.

Water neutrality: What is it and how it affects local housing
Water neutrality has become a hot topic in recent months. Here's our latest update.

New Chief Executive
We were delighted to appoint Jane Eaton, BA (Hons), MBA, CPFA, as our new Chief Executive.

Our Museum and Art Gallery is now open for longer
Summer exhibitions and extended opening hours.

Community lottery announces first £25k winner
The lottery benefits local charities, including Friends of Horsham Park, Phoenix Stroke Club and Rangers Lodge Wildlife Hospital.

Giving Horsham District's young people a voice
The Horsham District Youth Forum brings young people together to discuss topics which are important to them.

Are you a local landlord? Let with us
Find out about our private sector leasing and lettings schemes.

How Margaret is keeping healthy
How our Wellbeing courses have helped local resident Margaret to improve her health and fitness.

Enjoy great value discounts with our Leisure Access Card
Our Leisure Access Card is a free discount card that helps residents on low income and full-time students to save money when they visit local attractions.

Horsham District Befriends
Our new befriending service supports adults of all ages who have anxieties about leaving the house or who are feeling lonely.

Annual Canvass for the Register of Electors
From July to November 2022 we'll be contacting every household in the District to check their details on the electoral register are correct.

How our Community Link services can help you feel safer
Our technology-enabled products can be ideal for joggers, walkers, children and lone workers as well as the elderly.

Seven trails for seven towns
The new Mystery Trails invite participants to follow clues around each town to solve a puzzle.

Welcome back... we are open for business
Our local businesses are well on the road to recovery

Getting you into work
We run three popular employment support services to help people in Horsham District to find jobs.

Horsham Park wins national bee-friendly award
The Council and The Friends of Horsham Park Group have won the prize for their exemplary work to support the development of pollinator plants.

Coming together for new Bluebell Park
An army of volunteers helped us plant over 1,000 English bluebells at the play area in Holbrook, Horsham.

Shelley honoured
The 200th anniversary of the poet's death was marked by the planting of a chestnut tree.

Food waste trial results are in!
Results from a recent food waste collection trial amongst selected residents have been analysed by our Recycling and Waste team.
Download Summer 2022
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