Welcome to the Winter 20/2021 edition
In the first edition of 2021, we reflect on how our services have changed to support our residents during the ongoing pandemic, and share features on activities we will have to look forward to in the future.
Look out for new parks and countryside features, business support initiatives and updates on our Local Plan.
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Winter 2021 articles

Welcome to the Winter 20/2021 edition
An introduction to the Winter 2021 edition from Councillor Ray Dawe, Leader of Horsham District Council

New Discovery Hub for Warnham Local Nature Reserve
Jointly funded by the Council, Friends of WLNR and one of the last EU grants, the project has been continuing at pace and is now nearing completion

New adventure trail for Horsham Park
Children aged 8 to 11 years can now enjoy some great new play equipment

Buy Local to build a better district economy
Residents across the Horsham District are being encouraged to think local and buy local where they possibly can in an effort to support local businesses

Make your business plan a reality with our LEAP funding
Whether you're a start-up or looking to future-proof, our LEAP small business grants funding programme could help

New Youth Employment Support Hub to open
The Y-Wish employment programme will offer appointments and drop-in sessions for 18-24 year olds

Training to boost your business during a pandemic
We have appointed Chichester College Group to carry out a programme of training and support for high street businesses

Local employers, your District needs you
We're asking local employers to engage with us to provide work-related and employability opportunities

The new Horsham District Local Plan: preparing the final draft
A progress update on the Horsham District Local Plan

Horsham's first cycling and walking infrastructure plan
How we plan to improve walking and cycling routes

Save money on your energy bills
Find out about the Government's Green Homes Grant 2020

Local history at the touch of a button
Get out and explore Horsham Museum & Art Gallery's new heritage trails

Wilder Horsham District partnership forges ahead to protect wildlife
An update on our five-year partnership with Sussex Wildlife Trust to deliver a Nature Recovery Network for the District

New funds to help tackle climate change
Find out how you can help us create a greener District

Reducing our carbon footprint
How as a Council we are working to cut our carbon emissions

Our Community Lottery celebrates one year of boosting local charity funds
After an extremely successful one year trial, the Council is delighted that its Horsham District Community Lottery is now set to be a permanent fixture

Preventing homelessness through the pandemic
How we have adapted our service to support residents at risk of homelessness in one of their toughest years

COVID-19 appeal raises £22,000
Thanks to all who donated to our appeal to raise vital funds for local communities during the peak of the virus

Your neighbourhood councils
Find out more about Horsham’s three Neighbourhood Councils

Financial impact of the pandemic on the Council
How the Council has suffered as a result of the virus and how this may affect services

Join up now for our free health and wellbeing advice
Take a look at some of the help and advice our Health and Wellbeing team have on offer

Great-value Community Link products with exceptional personal service
Our award-winning service helps residents live independently

Crime and disorder survey results
We asked our residents about safety concerns in the District. Read what they had to say

New commuter car park for central Horsham
The BT Exchange car park is right next to Horsham train station

Three-month extension for Annual Parking Disc subscribers
The discs will now expire in June 2021

Recycling champions test new Hot Bin to combat food waste
The bin can turn cooked food waste into compost in just 90 days

Sign up for 2021/22 garden waste collections
Sign up online from February for fortnightly garden waste collections
Download Winter 20/2021
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