Never has it felt so important for us as a council to communicate with our residents than during these challenging times as a result of the coronavirus.
In this edition we are sharing articles to highlight the support and advice available to residents and local businesses at this time, and how we have adapted our services to meet their needs.

Summer 2020 articles

Welcome to the Summer 2020 edition
An introduction to this edition from Councillor Ray Dawe, Leader of Horsham District Council

Community Volunteer Hubs help the District's most vulnerable people
Our community response to the coronavirus outbreak is all about helping local people to support local people

Help is at hand for local businesses during coronavirus crisis
How the Council has been supporting local businesses with funding and trading support during the coronavirus outbreak

Good causes reap the benefits from our Community Lottery
We're delighted that our new Community Lottery scheme has proved so popular

Improved recycling rates during coronavirus period
Horsham District residents have achieved much improved recycling rates for the month of March 2020

Thank you messages touch the hearts of our waste collection crews
A public outpouring of thanks for our collection crews, as they continue to do their vital work throughout the crisis, has touched the hearts of our team

Introducing the Horsham District Local Plan 2019-2036
A guide to the Local Plan Review process and how to get involved

New partnership Wilder Horsham District set up to protect local wildlife
Our ambitious new five year partnership with the Sussex Wildlife Trust aims to create networks for wildlife, helping local wildlife species and habitats thrive

How we are creating a greener District
How we are working towards reducing our carbon footprint, and our progress so far

Constable sketch donated to Horsham Museum & Art Gallery
A fantastic donation marking the end of World War II in Europe, the sketch has an extraordinary story and special links to Horsham

Changing roles in response to coronavirus crisis
Members of the Council's staff have been redeployed to help support critical roles during the coronavirus crisis

It's now even easier to pay for parking
Set up an Autopay account to pay automatically, or use RingGo in our pay and display car parks

The financial impact of coronavirus on the Council
Like so many of our residents and businesses, Horsham District Council has suffered financially from the COVID-19 lockdown

Helping those who are sleeping rough in Horsham District
Our Homelessness team are working to help rough sleepers in Horsham District. Here's what they're doing and how you can help too

Let your property with our Private Landlord Services team
Are you looking to let a property in Horsham District? Talk to our dedicated private lettings team

Our award-winning Community Link service helps residents live independently
Find out how our Community Link service helps Horsham District residents

Help for local job hunters continues during the coronavirus crisis
Journey to Work (J2W) and Work Information and Support Hubs (WISH) are Horsham District Council’s successful employment programmes

Journey to Work programme puts Sarah on the road to success
Journey to Work has helped hundreds of local people back into work over the last six years

Five years of Adopt-a-Street litter-clearing scheme
Set up in 2015, Adopt-a-Street is still going strong. We meet the latest family to join the scheme

Welcome to our new Chairman Councillor Karen Burgess
Cllr Karen Burgess was elected as the new Chairman of Horsham District Council at an online Annual General Meeting on 20 May

Two play areas refreshed with foxes and forests
Rudgwick and Wren Close Horsham play areas in the District have had a fun and colourful refresh.

Public meetings take place online
It's our duty to ensure public meetings are accessible to the public, so with lockdown measures in place we took them online

Elections postponed until 2021
Following government guidelines, all elections and referendums due to be held from April 2020 have been postponed to May 2021
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