In this edition we bring you a magazine packed full with stories, news and events.
The countdown to Christmas is on: join us for a jam-packed programme of festive fun across the District this winter! Plus, we celebrate a new award for Horsham Park, a summer of fun and 12 months of our Wellbeing Hub.
Keep an eye out for various 'Did You Know' stories offering schemes that could help you to save some money.
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November 2024 articles

Welcome to our November edition
A message from Councillor Martin Boffey, Leader of Horsham District Council.

Enjoy the festive season in Horsham District
From local food and drink and artisan gifts to festive entertainment and events, the magic of the season is right here in our District.

Discover the past at Horsham Museum
Our Museum is the perfect place to spend time during the colder months.

A lifeline at the touch of a button
Community Link is a vital support service from the Council. The service enables residents to live independently by providing affordable access to a range of assistive technology.

Our summer of free fun
We have organised and collaborated on a fantastic array of free and low-cost community events and celebrations over the summer and wanted to share some of our highlights.

Have you visited our Wellbeing Hub?
This July we celebrated the first year for our Hub in its location in Horsham’s Swan Walk shopping centre.

Horsham District Local Plan 2023-2040
With a strong economy and great countryside, Horsham District is a popular place to live and work.

What is Biodiversity Net Gain?
Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) is a new national legal requirement for development to have a positive impact on nature.

Our Greenspaces Strategy
Our refreshed Greenspaces Strategy was approved in June this year.

Do you have an unoccupied property?
If you have an empty home you’d like to rent out to make a positive impact for a household in the District, we can help.

Horsham Park goes gold!
Horsham Park has won a coveted Gold Award for the Large Park category in the South and South East In Bloom annual competition for 2024.

Helping future proof local businesses
Since its launch in 2016, the Council’s LEAP Small Business Grant Scheme has supported nearly 300 businesses with funding towards projects which will help future proof their business.

Places to play
As part of our ongoing commitment to improving recreation facilities, we have recently undertaken work on play areas in Horsham, Pulborough and Billingshurst.

Growing Your Teenager courses
Have you recently applied for your child’s Year 7 school place for September 2025? If so, you might be interested in our successful Growing Your Teenager course pilots.

Fantastic contribution of volunteers recognised
As part of National Volunteers’ Week in June, we hosted an awards ceremony to recognise the fantastic volunteers who work hard to make a positive difference to communities locally.

Calling Horsham District good causes
Local charities and good causes have the chance to win a special £500 prize to celebrate our Horsham District Community Lottery fifth anniversary.

Welcoming new talent
As a council, we are always looking for ways to attract new talent, as well as offering training opportunities to our existing workforce. In this edition we are sharing news about a few of our recent schemes.

Reaffirming our employer commitments
Our updated Armed Forces Covenant Employer Recognition Scheme Silver Award reaffirms our commitment to support service personnel and the armed forces community.

New youth provision
We are keen to support parishes in enhancing the activities on offer for local young people.

Community Climate Fund
The Community Climate Fund is a grant available to non-profit groups and organisations for projects which reduce their carbon emissions and create community value locally.

An anniversary for our Climate Action Network
This October marked two years since the launch of the Parish and Neighbourhood Council Climate Action Network.

Volunteers help tackle invasive species
The Wilder Horsham District project has been helping landowners deal with the threat of invasive species.

Make your home more efficient
‘Retrofitting homes’ means different things to different people, depending on what you want to achieve.

Travel safely this festive period
We want our residents and visitors to be as safe as possible whilst enjoying food, drink and great company in the District over the festive period.

Our Commercial Waste service
We have an in-house commercial waste department with dedicated crews. We are fully equipped and ready to help businesses of any size with waste requirements.

Your bin collections over Christmas and New Year
Find out when your waste, recycling, and garden waste bins will be collected over the Christmas and new year period.

New business training opportunities launch for Small Business Saturday
Entrepreneurs and business leaders from across Horsham District will be able to access even more training opportunities.

Did You Know?
Cost of living support is available for those who need it, including free school meals, energy support and more.
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