Edition: March 2024
Recently St Mary’s Church was awarded £1,095 from our Community Climate Fund for a £3,595 project to install intelligent thermostats across five community buildings in Horsham.
The new smart thermostats at St Mary’s Church, Holy Trinity Church, Holy Trinity Church Hall, St Leonard’s Church and St Leonard’s Church Hall, are expected to save 10% on gas usage across those buildings (based on a trial period from January to May 2023). They prevent seven tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent gas emissions each year, and save around £2,560 per year (based on October 2023 prices).
The project was interpreted as a sensible and practical way to reduce climate impact across the five community buildings.
Eco Church Coordinator Hennie Sleeman commented:
“We are all very excited to be awarded this grant. Going ahead with the project will enable us to reduce our carbon footprint across the Parish, as well as benefiting our church communities and the wider groups who use the church halls with more responsive and accurately controlled heating systems.”
Has this project inspired you?
The Community Climate Fund is a grant of up to £5,000 available for local voluntary or community groups undertaking new climate positive projects. There are four funding rounds each year. The current round of funding opens on 1 April and closes on 12 May 2024.
Further Information
Please visit: www.horsham.gov.uk/communityclimatefund to find out more. We recommend that you discuss your application with a friendly and knowledgeable Sustainability Officer before applying. Please email: communityclimatefund@horsham.gov.uk or call: 01403 215156.
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