Thank you messages touch the hearts of our waste collection crews

Edition: Summer 2020

A public outpouring of thanks for our collection crews, as they continue to do their vital work throughout the crisis, has touched the hearts of our team.

A selection of thank you posters, drawn by children and taped to their bins

The Council wishes to thank local residents and businesses for the ongoing kindness they have shown to our crews as they complete their waste, recycling and green waste rounds across the district.

Crew members have received many posters, paintings, drawings, social media posts and cheery waves as they carry out their work and they really are very much appreciated.

Throughout the crisis, the Council’s collections have continued without any disruption to service levels.

Three members of our waste collection crew stand in front of a waste truck. They are all holding a Thumbs up pose

Crew members have received many posters, paintings, drawings, social media posts and cheery waves as they carry out their work and they really are very much appreciated.

Throughout the crisis, the Council’s collections have continued without any disruption to service levels.

Read the latest edition

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