Creating healthier habits

Edition: July 2024

It’s never too late to quit with our free Stop Smoking service from Horsham District Wellbeing.

Lisa and John

Stopping smoking is the best thing you can do for your health and it’s never too late to quit. Health benefits will start as soon as one hour after your last cigarette and continue happening even after 10 years!

No matter how long you have smoked, there is always something to gain from stopping.

How we can help you quit

Horsham Wellbeing has a team of six trained ‘Stop Smoking Advisors’ ready to support you. Our Advisors are trained to help you navigate your cravings and stop smoking in the most effective way.

You will have weekly contact with an allocated advisor who will check in with you and provide the correct Nicotine Replacement Therapy. You will also get to monitor your carbon monoxide reading which will continue to go down the longer you are smoke free; the lower the reading the more oxygen your body is able to carry to your lungs meaning breathing is much easier and pressure on your heart decreases.

Our small friendly team are always available to give you more information on the stop smoking service so that you feel prepared for when you decide you want to quit.

John, one year on

We spoke to John who successfully gave up smoking with the support of advisor Lisa and the Wellbeing team.  John is now one year smoke free. He has taken his wife on two holidays abroad using the money he has saved from not buying cigarettes.

“My whole experience of Horsham Wellbeing has been amazing, and the advice and support was out of this world. I have never been so happy. Lisa was absolutely brilliant helping me through the tough times of the first few weeks of giving up smoking. With her help I am physically and mentally strong. I have also been advising my friends that there is help if they want it.”

Said John
Smoking and drink image

Review your drinking this Alcohol Awareness week

This year, Alcohol Awareness Week took place from 1 to 7 July with the theme of understanding alcohol harm, so it’s a great opportunity to stop and think about our drinking and how it affects us.

Alcohol is promoted as we watch our favourite sports, we travel to work and strategically placed in our favourite films and TV shows. It’s there when we celebrate, commiserate and when we’re just trying to cope.

But drinking in excess can harm our health in more than one way. From disrupting sleep, to harming relationships and having long-term effects on health, excessive alcohol intake can cause us harm daily. These ‘prompts’ or ‘cues’ are what contribute to forming bad drinking habits which can be hard to break.

Time to break your drinking habits?

None of us are immune to forming bad habits and sometimes we could all do with extra support. If you are ready to make some changes to your drinking patterns and want some help getting started, we are here to support you.

Our Free support

Wellbeing logo

Our Alcohol Advice Service is confidential, and judgement-free. Our Alcohol Advisors work with you on a one-to-one basis to uncover your triggers and find ways you can realistically overcome them.

We encourage anyone who feels concerned about the amount they drink to have a chat with us about how we can help.

We offer appointments by phone, video call or in person and there is no group work involved.

Find out more

Find out more about all our wellbeing services at the weblink below, call the team on 01403 215111 or email us at

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