Your Council Tax

Edition: March 2023

Your Council Tax helps to provide services and amenities to residents. Find out how we are spending your contributions.

Graphic of a group of people

We collect your overall Council Tax payments for Horsham District Council, Parish and Neighbourhood Councils, the Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner and West Sussex County Council to provide services and amenities to residents.

We understand that it is a large portion of your monthly outgoings, so we want to share openly how we are spending your contributions.

Did you know?

Although we collect all the Council Tax, we only retain 7.9% for Horsham District Council services, that’s just £3.21 a week for a Band D
property.  The remaining 92.1% of your Council Tax bill is split between:

  • West Sussex County Council who receive 77.45%
  • Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner who receive 11.4%
  • Parish / Neighbourhood Councils who receive 3.25%

So, how do we use your money?

Your Council Tax makes up 27% of Horsham District Council’s income.  This contributes towards our total budget for 2023/24 of  £42.8million. Our budget is shared over the services we deliver for you:

  • Recycling, Waste and Environmental Services  - £11.5million (26.8%)
  • Revenues and Benefits, Housing and Community Services - £6.9million (16.1%)
  • Leisure and Culture - £4.9million (11.4%)
  • Planning, Property, Building Control and Economic Development - £8.1million (18.9%)
  • Parking  - £2.4million (5.6%)
  • Supporting front line services  - £9.0million (21.2%)

Find out more

Visit the Horsham District Council website to find out more about how Council Tax is spent.

Read the latest edition

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