Free wellbeing services designed for you

Edition: March 2024

Our Health and Wellbeing team work hard to ensure that making positive changes to your lifestyle isn’t as daunting as you might expect.

Wellbeing customers

Our Health and Wellbeing team work hard to ensure that making positive changes to your lifestyle isn’t as daunting as you might expect.
The support we provide is tailored to you, wherever you are on your wellbeing journey. Our expert advisors are on hand to help you find the best strategies to achieve your health, wellbeing, and lifestyle goals. We work across the District and will find a suitable location near you to work together.

Be a quitter with our free stop smoking service

It is a fact that you are three times more likely to successfully stop smoking with the help of professional support, compared to trying alone. What’s more, once you do quit you can enjoy better health, save money, and protect those around you.

Our advisors will work with you to develop a ‘quit plan’ and assist you through your journey with the use of nicotine patches, inhalators, gum, and lozenges. Weekly appointments and the use of a carbon monoxide monitor help to track your progress and help you work through any hurdles or triggers.

Better together

Recently three members of a West Sussex County Council security team (top picture) had a huge success in stopping smoking together with the support of our services. This just shows how much mutual support can really help motivation and success. We are really proud of their great results.

Make a positive change to your drinking habits

Most of the time alcohol is enjoyable but sometimes the amount we drink can start to impact our wellbeing as well as the people around us.

Wellbeing advisors

If you are ready to make some changes to your drinking patterns and want some help getting started, we are here to support you.  Our Alcohol Wellbeing Service offers confidential one-to-one appointments by phone, video call or face-to-face. Sam and Lucy are our advisors for the Horsham District.

Look out for our Alcohol Awareness Week campaign in July.

Polly and Rachel at the Horsham Wellbeing Hub

A life-changing wellbeing win

With our wellbeing appointments we focus on achievable sustainable lifestyle changes made over time. Encompassing all aspects of healthy living including nutrition, exercise, stress management and sleep habits, we work with you to develop a fresh outlook to maintain your health goals and achieve long-term results.

We spoke to Polly, who joined advisor Rachel for three one-to-one appointments:

“It is unbelievable how my mindset has changed. I still haven't reached my goal weight, but I know I will get there and stay there.

"I also know that if the weight starts to creep back on or if I hit a blip and need support, Rachel will be there and I can book further time with her. I will be forever grateful to Rachel for her support, kindness, and belief in me.

“I now choose more nutritious foods because I want to, as opposed to not wanting to ‘break a diet’. I am not on a diet; I make healthy choices and that’s been the difference.”

Further Information

Find out more on our website, call the team on: 01403 215111 or email us at:

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