Helping local businesses become greener

Edition: March 2024

In 2022 the Government launched the Rural England Prosperity Fund. Horsham District was allocated £871,733 (from April 2023 to March 2025), to support new, sustainable business projects in a rural location which boost the local economy.

Helping local businesses become greener

Solar powered bagel baking

In 2022 the Government launched the Rural England Prosperity Fund. Horsham District was allocated £871,733 (from April 2023 to March 2025), to support new, sustainable business projects in a rural location which boost the local economy.

One successful applicant was Jacob’s Bagels based near Pulborough. Founder Tino commented:  “Caring for the environment is our core mission, we sought and secured a £20,000 grant to support the installation of solar panels. The solar panels power virtually every electrical appliance in the bakery.

"This initiative has significantly reduced our carbon footprint, resulting in a noteworthy reduction of 1535.5kg in our carbon emissions so far.

“Thanks to the grant, we've also successfully lowered the cost of our bagel making experience days and have been able to offer use of our facilities at a more affordable rate making the joy of baking accessible to all.”

Helping your business to be net zero

Find useful resources and information to help your business become net zero by 2050 on our website at: business/net-zero-business

Look out for details on how to join the new Horsham Business Climate Hub – a virtual network for local businesses.

Green LEAP

Green LEAP, a new addition to our popular LEAP grant scheme, is set to launch in April. It focusses on supporting start-up and small business projects which seek to combat climate change. Businesses can access grants of up to £5,000 for climate-friendly projects.

The first round of Green LEAP funding is open to applications from Tuesday 2 April to Tuesday 30 April 2024. A second round will be launched in June.

Find out more about Green LEAP

Visit: for more details and a guidance video on creating a climate-friendly business plan which is required as part of the application process.

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