Have you visited our Wellbeing Hub?

Edition: November 2024

This July we celebrated the first year for our Hub in its location in Horsham’s Swan Walk shopping centre.

Andy hosting a stop smoking session

A whole host of free services

From our bright and airy Hub we have helped over 1,000 people so far. As a service we have run 12 Weight off Workshops, delivered over 340 hours of exercise classes, visited 25 workplaces, helped 34 people to stop smoking, facilitated over 1,500 miles of walks around the District and held 185 outreach appointments in eight locations across the District.

A map to the wellbeing hub

Let us be part of your Wellbeing

If you haven’t already found us, please do drop in. You can find us in Swan Walk shopping centre, just past Sports Direct. We are open Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 9am to 4.30pm and Wednesdays from 1pm to 5pm, when one of the team will be on hand to answer all your health and wellbeing questions.

If you can't visit the Hub, you can call us, complete a self-referral form on our website, or email the team.

Workplace Wellbeing

We can also visit workplaces, including voluntary organisations, to offer free support to staff including Wellbeing MOTs, NHS Health Checks, blood pressure checks and wellbeing talks.

Free support for your team

At the Wellbeing MOT we use body composition scales and offer free one-to-one wellbeing advice. Following on from this, employees often go on to complete one of our free courses.

The NHS Health Check is for adults aged 40 to 74. It’s designed to spot the early signs of stroke, kidney disease, heart disease, type 2 diabetes or dementia.

We can deliver free Wellbeing Talks for your workplace either face to face or online. These include our Wellbeing Service Talk about free services available, our Healthy Eating Talk, Menopause Awareness, Preparing to Stop Smoking and Reducing Alcohol intake.

Prioritise your employees

A proactive approach to the health and wellbeing of employees is key to a happier, healthier, engaged, and more productive workforce.

At a recent visit to Netsoltech in Horsham our adviser Andy was able to talk to employees about stopping smoking. One employee opted for weekly stop smoking sessions at his workplace and has now successfully quit.

Get in touch

Visit our Wellbeing team's website or get in touch by email at info@horshamdistrictwellbeing.org.uk or call them on 01403 215111, or drop in to Swan Walk.

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