Changing roles in response to coronavirus crisis

Edition: Summer 2020

Many members of the Council's staff have been redeployed from their usual responsibilities to help support critical roles during the coronavirus crisis.

Digital marketing officer George (centre) redeployed to work on waste collection

Dozens of staff have helped to set up the Community Volunteer Hubs, manning phone lines and making calls to offer help and reassurance to thousands of vulnerable residents throughout the District.

Additionally, a number of staff have been redeployed to our frontline Customer Services team and to our Hop Oast depot to ensure the frequency and quality of our Waste and Recycling collection services  to the public.

Many colleagues across the Council are now working from home and doing their best to deliver all our  key services to support our residents and businesses in these challenging times.

Picture: Digital marketing officer George (centre) redeployed to work on waste collection.

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