Horsham Park wins national bee-friendly award

Edition: Summer 2022

Work to support pollinating insects in Horsham Park has been recognised with a national Bees’ Needs award.

Bees Need Award for Horsham Park in front of a small bug hotel

The Council and The Friends of Horsham Park Group are delighted to have won the national award for their exemplary work to support the development of pollinator plants in the park.

The Bees’ Needs Awards, sponsored by Department for Food, Environment and Rural Affairs(DEFRA), recognise and celebrate best practice examples of initiatives to support pollinator flowers and plants, restoring and providing food and homes for pollinating insects.

This is a very special achievement and it is great to see that the dedicated bee bed, a legacy project from the Council’s 2019 Year of Culture, is continuing to make such a difference, both to the appearance of the park and to the local environment.

We hope the planting inspires people to select pollinator-friendly plants for their own gardens. Even a pot on a balcony can be a great nectar bar for bees in an urban environment.

Environment Minister Rebecca Pow MP sent a personal letter of congratulations to our Parks and Countryside team and the volunteers from Friends of Horsham Park.

The annual Bees’ Needs Awards took place online in November 2021.

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