New funds to help tackle climate change

Edition: Winter 2020/2021

Recognising that local community groups have a valuable contribution to make in tackling climate change, the Council has introduced a new Community Climate Fund.

A graphic design displaying a light bulb, a tap, a shoot, a bike and the recycling symbol to indicate energy-saving

The new fund will enable voluntary and community groups, as well as parish and neighbourhood councils, to develop local projects that reduce carbon levels by improving the environment, reducing consumption, increasing biodiversity and  minimising waste.

The Horsham District Community Climate Fund will support community projects that have long term and tangible climate benefits and provide positive environmental change.

Fund applications can be related to any of the following themes:

  • Energy: reducing consumption and increasing the use of renewable forms of energy
  • Water: reducing consumption and reducing the threats from flooding
  • Waste minimisation: reducing waste and reusing and recycling resources, for example using composting bins
  • Biodiversity: increasing wildlife, such as the creation of pocket parks and community orchards
  • Sustainable transport: such as encouraging cycling and walking

The funds must be used for new projects, which will give benefits beyond the funding provided by the Council, and include a commitment  to inform the wider community about the project and encourage others  to take action.

There are three levels of funds available:

  • up to £1,000
  • up to £2,500 (which requires more information from the applicant)
  • up to £5,000 (which requires match funding from the applicant)

There are certain criteria that must be met to receive funding. For more information, visit the Council's Community Climate Fund webpages.

Get in touch

Think you are up for the challenge or have a great idea? Call us for a chat on 01403 215358 or 01403 215216, or email

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