Recycling champions test new Hot Bin to combat food waste

Edition: Winter 2020/2021

Our recycling champions, the Coakley family from Horsham, have volunteered to trial a new “hot bin” supplied to them by the Council for a period of six months.

The Coakley family with their Hot Bin

Throughout the trial, they will share with local people just how using the special bin is helping them to reduce the amount of food waste which goes into their rubbish bin and then turns  it into home composting.

While the Council promotes and supports the use of traditional composters as a way of reducing food waste, they are only able to process food scraps such as peelings, eggshells and teabags, whereas  the new hot bin can process anything from cooked leftovers to chicken waste and turn it into a rich garden compost in just 90 days.

We think this is an easy way to help reduce our carbon footprint without having to give up using a car or foregoing a mobile phone

Amanda Coakley

Are you a recycling champion?

Find out more about our Recycling champions and see tips to recycle more on the Horsham District Council website.

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