Your neighbourhood councils

Edition: Winter 2020/2021

Did you know that Horsham Town Centre has three neighbourhood councils instead of a town council?

Trudie Mitchell of Denne Neighbourhood Council, Martin Boffey of Trafalgar Neighbourhood Council, Diane Sumpter of Forest Neighbourhood Council

Denne, Forest and Trafalgar Neighbourhood Councils are non-political, represent local residents and help to make sure their  voices are heard at District and County levels.

So just what do they get  involved in?

“Planning applications, potholes  and parking, neighbourhood wardens, green spaces including Horsham Park, consultations on town projects and the Local Plan – we care about all of it. We listen to your concerns, and either help you ourselves, or quickly find the right person you should talk to.”

Planning applications, potholes  and parking, neighbourhood wardens, green spaces including Horsham Park, consultations on town projects and the Local Plan – we care about all of it. We listen to your concerns, and either help you ourselves, or quickly find the right person you should talk to.

Normally each Neighbourhood Council holds a monthly meeting  that residents are welcome to attend. In the current crisis, if you’re interested in finding out more, visit the Councils’ websites, Facebook pages or contact them by email.

Denne Neighbourhood Council

Pictured: Trudie Mitchell, Chairman, Denne Neighbourhood Council


Denne Neighbourhood Council website

Forest Neighbourhood Council

Pictured: Diane Sumpter, Chairman, Forest Neighbourhood Council


Forest Neighbourhood Council website

Trafalgar Neighbourhood Council

Pictured: Martin Boffey, Chairman, Trafalgar Neighbourhood Council

Trafalgar Neighbourhood Council website

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