Community Climate Fund: supporting local projects

Edition: July 2023

The Community Climate Fund is a grant of up to £5,000 available for local voluntary or community groups undertaking new climate positive projects.

Lower Barn Allotments group

Groups such as schools, village halls, sports clubs and centres, scouts, guides and faith groups delivering inclusive projects can apply.

In this edition we look at the savings made at Horsham Tennis Club and the innovative water harvesting plans at Lower Barn Close Allotments in Horsham.

Tackling water usage at Lower Barn Close Allotments

Lower Barn Close Allotments used resourcefulness, environmental awareness, and community support to design an effective water conservation project. Along with substantial volunteer support, they will be using our funds for the raw materials to complete a community DIY project to build three water harvesting stations on their allotments.

This will allow about 100 people to access water all year round and lengthen the growing season as the mains water is turned off between November and March. Most importantly it should reduce their mains water usage by about 20% or 25,000 litres. This saving is the equivalent to taking a 5-minute shower 417 times!

Lighting up your game more efficiently

We have had many successful applications from sports clubs and leisure centres switching to more efficient LED lighting. These projects improve facilities for residents right across the District, and include Horsham Tennis Club, Storrington Community Football Club, Steyning Tennis Club, Henfield Leisure Centre, Comptons Tennis Court, and Chanctonbury Leisure Centre.

Tennis courts with tall floodlights

One of the first to make use of the grant to upgrade their lighting was Horsham Tennis Club, who fitted external LED lights in 2021.

They have estimated that this will reduce their courtside lighting emissions by about 61%, or 960kg of CO2 a year – this is the same amount of CO2 you would emit driving 26 times around the M25!

Graphics of a lightbulb, water tap, bike, tree and recycling symbol

Make your climate-friendly project happen

The next grant application round opens 3 July and closes 13 August 2023. The following round opens 2 October and closes 12 November 2023.

The funds must be used for brand new projects, which are self-sustaining beyond Council funding and carry a lasting impact on the wider community to inspire positive climate action.

Your organisation can apply once a year, providing it is for a new project in each application.

Please visit the Council's website to find out more. You are welcome to discuss your application with a Sustainability Officer before applying. Please call 01403 215156 or email

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