Helping businesses become more sustainable

Edition: July 2023

Our Economic Development and Sustainability teams have been working on an exciting series of collaborative projects aimed at supporting local businesses on their journey to improved sustainability.

Hepworth brewery van and bottles

We have created a new ‘Supporting your business to be carbon neutral’ webpage signposting businesses to relevant funding, training, carbon footprint calculators and more. A jargon-busting glossary is also included.

What’s more, a new video series is launching to help inspire local businesses to become more sustainable. This series showcases relatable case studies from other local businesses, including top tips and quick wins such as switching lighting and considering investing in solar panels.

Keep an eye out on the Council’s social media pages and webpages for the videos.

Graphics indicating climate change

Sustainable Business Special Newsletter

A new quarterly ‘Sustainable Business Special’ edition of our fortnightly business email newsletter has been introduced. This aims to raise awareness of support available for local businesses.

This edition contains a wealth of information on the theme of sustainability, no matter how far along a business is on its journey to improve its environmental performance.

The business newsletter currently has over 1,800 subscribers, who receive up-to-date news straight to their email inbox on local funding and training opportunities, national business support initiatives and upcoming webinars.

To stay up-to-date, Horsham District businesses are invited to subscribe to the newsletter.

Read the latest edition

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