Hurst Road Cafe adds extra youth services

Edition: July 2023

The Hurst Café, open to young people aged 11 to 18, is located in the former Hurst Road Youth Centre near Horsham Town Centre. It is a great safe social space for young people to meet with friends.

The i-rock Horsham District team smiling

The café facility run by 4TheYouth, boasts social areas with games and activities, including free WiFi, pool tables, consoles and plenty of sofas to sit and chat. There is a garden space which is great in warm weather.

Food and drink available at 4TheYouth's cafe

The centre also runs a regular activity programme, a ‘student night’ for young people in school years 11 to 13 and a weekly club for young people with additional needs aged 13 to 18. The centre provides open access to youth workers who are available for young people to talk to confidentially and get advice and support on a variety of issues, including emotional wellbeing, relationships, school and homework.

Please follow @hurstcafe on Instagram and the 4TheYouth page on Facebook for up-to-date opening times and more information.

4TheYouth and i-rock logos

New i-Rock Horsham District service

Newly joining the facility this summer are i-Rock Horsham District, adding their fantastic service to complement the 4TheYouth offer. Providing 'no wrong door' access to support for young people, i-Rock Horsham District is commissioned and co-ordinated by Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.

i-Rock offer both virtual and face-to-face appointments as well as access to specialist services on site if needed. Sessions allow young people to discuss how they are feeling in a safe, relaxed and informal environment. There are lots of different people at i-Rock who can offer support and advice on a range of issues young people may be facing including emotional and mental health, jobs, education and housing.

Find out more

You can find out more about the i-Rock offer including booking for virtual appointments, details of all their sites and opening times along with information on how to use the services on the Sussex CAMHS website.

These two organisations deliver a great partnership for our young people providing a fantastic social facility and ensuring good quality support is easy to access. For more information on our services for children and young people, please click below to visit the Council website.

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