Are you ready to vote?

Edition: March 2023

On Thursday 4 May 2023, local elections are taking place in the Horsham District.

You now need voter ID to vote at a polling station

To vote in these elections you must:

  • Register to vote by 17 April, and
  • Bring Photo ID on the day

A wide range of photo ID will be accepted, including passports, driving licences and cards with a PASS Mark. If you don’t have an accepted form of photo ID, you can apply for a free voter ID document known as a Voter Authority Certificate.

Need help?

If you need any help with applying for free ID or want to request a paper application form, you can contact us by emailing or calling 01403 215126.

Further details

You can find full details of accepted photo ID, where to apply for a free Voter Authority Certificate, postal or proxy vote along with a timetable of the key dates on our website.

Read the latest edition

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