Edition: March 2024
With local Police and Crime Commissioner elections this May and a General Election coming up by 24 January 2025 we have produced a roundup of what you’ll need to know.
Get registered
To vote in an election you’ll need to be registered to vote. It’s quick, free and easy to register online here: www.gov.uk/register-to-vote. If your details have changed or you have moved house, it only takes five minutes to update.
A recent change to the law (removing a 15-year limit) means that more British citizens living abroad who previously lived in the District may now be eligible to register to vote and vote in this area. If you know anyone who used to live locally and is now living abroad, do spread the word so they are aware of their rights.
Know your polling station
The address will be printed on a card sent to your home, or you can look it up on our website.
Remember your ID
All voters in England are required to bring photographic ID. This applies to Local, Police & Crime Commissioner and UK Parliamentary elections. Your identification must be the original document and you can find a list of acceptable ID here
If you do not have ID you can apply for a free Voter Authority Certificate.
Vote by post
If you know that you will be unable to get to a polling station on election day, voting by post may be more convenient. The easiest way to apply for a postal vote is online. If you cannot apply online, you can complete a paper form and return it to the elections team.
Postal ballot papers are sent out 7-10 days before an election. If this clashes with dates of holiday or absence, you may wish to consider a proxy vote instead.
Vote by proxy
You can ask someone to vote for you. This is called a proxy vote. The easiest way to apply is online. Alternatively, you can use a paper form to apply for a proxy vote and return it by post.
Would you like to work at an election?
We employ extra staff at election time to help on polling days and count the results. If you would be interested please visit our website.
Work at an election
Please visit our website for more information. You can also contact our Electoral Services team at: elections@horsham.gov.uk or on: 01403 215126.
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