Step into spring with Our District

Edition: March 2024

This spring we bring you a magazine full of milestones.

Step Into Spring

This spring we bring you a magazine full of milestones.

We are celebrating 30 years of some of our vital sports clubs, we mark 40 years of National Volunteers’ Week at our Volunteer Awards, and in recognition of the 50th anniversary of Horsham District Council, we have some great activities, a children's competition and an invitation for you to nominate your Community Heroes for a special tea party in the summer.

As well as looking back and celebrating individuals who make Horsham District a great place to be, we are looking forward with fresh plans at our newest area of green space – Bramber Brooks.

We also have practical information for residents including details on your Council Tax for this year, all you need to know to be ready for upcoming elections, and useful money saving advice.


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