Our priorities for 2025

Edition: March 2025

We have recently published our Annual Plan for 2025 to 2026.

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The Annual Plan is our yearly operational plan which sits under our four-year Council Plan (2023 to 2027). It tells people about the work officers will carry out this financial year to meet our long-term aims.

There are four themes in our Council Plan:

  • Supporting people and communities
  • Inspiring greener futures
  • Building a thriving economy
  • Always listening, learning and improving

Our Annual Plan lists the key areas of work that we will focus on under each of these themes.

Incorporating your views

Thank you to all the residents and businesses who gave us feedback on the Draft Annual Plan in our January survey – we have included the views of our communities in our decision making.

Supporting people and communities

There were positive comments for measures to provide additional Council Tax support. We have a new improved Council Tax Reduction Scheme (see page 17). Individuals also commented on affordable housing; we are committed to exploring a range of ways to provide additional housing options. We continue to work with Saxon Weald housing association to deliver improvements to housing provision in the District. We will also be consulting on a new three-year Housing and Homelessness Strategy.

Your feedback included requests to enhance the sporting and cultural opportunities in the District. The Annual Plan includes improvement plans for The Capitol (see page 7). Our ‘Better Billingshurst’ project includes sports pitch improvements. We are also committed to developing a new cultural strategy.

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Inspiring greener futures

Comments were made about more education regarding food waste and green technologies available. Our Annual Plan commits to improving the information and advice for residents and businesses on climate change actions. Food waste collections will start from March 2026.

Support for the creation of safer routes for cycling and walking, including a seed fund to support work on this by local communities, have also been included in the Plan.

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Building a thriving local economy

Our plan seeks to support local business growth in the District through sector specific plans, as well as helping those working flexibly by seeking more co-working spaces. We are committed to support right across the District.

We have plans for improvements in Horsham’s Bishopric and Blackhorse Way areas as well as in Billingshurst, with work there to start in 2026. We are working to improve digital access in rural areas as well as supporting initiatives to help people seeking employment.

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Always listening, learning and improving

As part of our work to involve and engage Parish and Neighbourhood Councils we have begun with a programme of meetings by the Leader and Chief Executive across the larger parishes.

Residents commenting on the Draft Plan wanted to see us increase focus on listening to young working age people. We are introducing a Councillor Development Framework to ensure our councillors are well-skilled to represent all our communities.

We also have a number of projects including improved protection for Horsham Park.

Read the latest edition

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