How our Community Link service can support you

Edition: November 2022

Community Link is a support service from the Council that enables residents to live independently by providing affordable access to a range of assistive technology, also known as Technology Enabled Care.

A woman walking with a Lifeline unit

Supporting you inside and outside your home

Our broad range of products can help you feel safer both when you are at home and when you are out and about.

A woman with a monitoring wristband

Chiptech GO

Chiptech GO is a new wearable device benefitting from the latest roaming cellular and GPS technologies. When activated the Go will send an alert, along with your exact GPS location to our monitoring centre. You will be able to speak to a trained operator through the speaker and they will organise assistance for you if required. Chiptech GO encourages you to have more independence in your day-to-day activities, if you are out and about, at home or at work, especially if you are a lone worker.

You can be confident in knowing that help is at your fingertips.

Our Home and Away package offers all the benefits of having a Lifeline in your home which becomes a standalone GPS device when you leave the vicinity of your home and are out and about.

Our Digital Lifeline alarm units include a free smoke detector which is also linked to our monitoring centre (this will be installed by West Sussex Fire & Rescue).

Wonderful people who deal with every eventuality that arises in a very calm and professional manner

A person-centred service

Using a person-centred approach, our advisers will discuss what technology and / or partner agency referrals would be best suited to support your safety and independence.

We take great pride in the relationships we build with our service users and strive to maintain a high level of service delivery and continued support.

The Community Link service is regulated and audited by the TEC Services Association using a robust “Quality Standards Framework” and exceeds the essential criteria.

Get in touch

If you or someone you know could benefit from the Community Link service, please call 01403 215230, email, or visit our website.

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