Horsham Shopmobility – helping you get around town

Edition: November 2023

To help anyone, young or old, who has problems walking we have a fantastic Shopmobility service based in Swan Walk Shopping Centre.

Shopmobility image

Our range of powered scooters and  powered and manual wheelchairs  are there to give people greater  independence and access to the  shopping areas and leisure facilities.  The service is free to use. It is  funded by Horsham District Council  and donations from users.

Community Transport

If getting there is proving to be a barrier to taking part in activities or accessing key services, do take a look at local community transport schemes which provide accessible and supported travel for residents who have difficulty accessing the mainstream networks.

We have links to a selection of local schemes on the Council website.
Read about our Community Transport options


If our Shopmobility service would help you get to the Horsham Wellbeing Hub or would be useful to help you get around the town centre you can find more information on the Council website.

If you have any questions, please call Parking Services on 01403215057 or email parking@horsham.gov.uk

Read the latest edition

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