Welcome to our Horsham Wellbeing Hub

Edition: November 2023

Our Horsham Wellbeing Hub opened in Swan Walk Shopping Centre this July. Offering a friendly service, visitors can access all sorts of support free of charge.

Wellbeing Hub photo

Advisors can help with:

  • Stopping smoking
  • Reducing your alcohol intake
  • Healthy eating and weight management
  • Prediabetes and high Cholesterol
  • Getting active
  • Wellbeing checks (full body MOTs and NHS Health Checks)
  • Wellbeing support for workplaces
  • Access and information on local services offering more support

The Hub has confidential consultation rooms as well as a bright modern studio space for friendly group classes. It is open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 9am to 4.30pm and Wednesdays 1pm to 5pm. Evening appointments are available on request.

Meet Paul

Meet Paul

He recently completed a weight management course and had this to say about his experience:

The course helped me to understand food combinations. I have started jogging and after 12 weeks have lost over a stone. My back pain is reduced, I am sleeping better, my stress feels more manageable and generally I look happier. This was a fantastic course delivered by a knowledgeable, friendly, and experienced advisor.”

Wellbeing on the road

As well as operating from our Horsham Wellbeing Hub, the team offer their services and courses right across the District. You can find what’s on offer by health topic or check out the calendar of courses.

The Horsham Wellbeing Hub has been made possible through funding from the District Council and an additional one-off contribution of £45,000 from UKGovernment through the SharedProsperity Fund. This operates as part of the wider Health and Wellbeing service funded by West Sussex County Council’s Public Health service.

Accessing our services

As well as dropping in for a chat, you can call the team on 01403 215111, email: info@horshamdistrictwellbeing.gov.uk or find a simple self-referral form on the Council website.

Read the latest edition

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