New youth provision

Edition: November 2024

We are keen to support parishes in enhancing the activities on offer for local young people.

Young people

We caught up with Vicky (pictured below), who is the new Lead Youth Worker covering the joint parishes of Steyning, Upper Beeding and Bramber. She told us about her growing plans for the service there.

“We are launching a new youth club for children and young people in the parishes. We have a Friday night drop-in for ages 13 and above at Penfold Hall, and a weekly session for juniors at Upper Beeding Sports Hall on Thursdays.”

Vicky, Lead Youth Worker
Vicky - Lead Youth Officer

A warm welcome

“It is important to me to make the club a safe, nurturing and welcoming place, which responds to and meets the needs of the community. We want to give young people at  the cusp of adulthood a space to be valued, heard and to find friendship and their purpose.”

Space for all interests

“Over the summer we ran a popular trial activity week including a military bootcamp with Places Leisure and street dance amongst other activities. We partnered with Greening Steyning’s Repair Café to run a session on upcycling where budding designers turned old garments into bags.  We have also been working with the Steyning Downlands Scheme developing construction and conservation skills, creating a stag beetle hotel, which now has a permanent home on the Wiston estate.”

Personal experience

“I have personal experience of attending a youth club. I know first-hand just how important it is.  I certainly wouldn’t have taken this path in life had I not attended youth club myself, where I was recognised as an individual and given roles of responsibility within the club, to develop my skills.”

Accessing the service

You can find out more about what’s on offer in Bramber, Steyning and Upper Beeding including session times and locations on their Facebook or Instagram pages, just search for ‘Joint Parish Youth Club’.

Vicky would love to see as many young people as possible at the sessions.

Support for parishes

We are always willing to support youth service development across the District. Parish and Neighbourhood Councils can contact our team by emailing

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