Edition: November 2024
Our refreshed Greenspaces Strategy was approved in June this year.
The Strategy sets the priorities for managing all the Parks and Countryside sites owned by the Council. This includes some 400 hectares of land, from formal parks and recreation grounds to cemeteries, allotments, and playgrounds.
What the Strategy covers
The Strategy looks to ensure that these green spaces are maintained to a high standard, that there are a range of opportunities to use them for all sectors of society and that the role of volunteers is valued, supported, and encouraged. New and rising challenges have been included in the Strategy such as adapting to the changing climate and population increases, as well as the need to enhance biodiversity both at individual sites and on a larger landscape scale.
Community input
To build the Strategy, a consultation process was undertaken with Parish and Neighbourhood Councils, as well as the many community groups associated with green spaces across the District.
What can you see?
One of the ways we manage green spaces is through grazing – if you are visiting our sites look out for our livestock herds.
If you visit Bramber Brooks, you can also look out for habitat enhancement works carried out by the Environment Agency. This activity along the riverbank is to mitigate habitat loss at Shoreham Harbour through the creation of a series of the wetland ponds. This involves removing soil which will be used to build up paths which will make access for visitors easier year-round.
Find out more
You can read the full Greenspaces Strategy on our website.
Read the latest edition
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