Help for local job hunters continues during the coronavirus crisis

Edition: Summer 2020

Journey to Work (J2W) and Work Information and Support Hubs (WISH) are Horsham District Council’s successful employment programmes.

Wish and Journey to Work offer advice, help and support to local job hunters

Both employment support programmes are now working closely to offer remote support to people who need help. Despite the challenges of Covid19, we are still offering:

  • Personal employment support and mentoring
  • Benefits and careers advice and guidance
  • CV and work skills development
  • Job search assistance
  • Interview support (in particular for online, video and telephone interviews)

Ask for the support you need

If you are currently receiving employment benefits, then check with your Job Centre Advisor to see if you can access the programmes. If you don't receive benefits but would like some support, please contact:

  • Lesley (J2W) on 01403 215262 or email lesley.beauvoisin@horsham., or
  • Richard (WISH) on 07783 222956 or email

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