Edition: Summer 2021
As we now emerge from lockdown, the Council’s economic development focus shifts towards building economic recovery. Here’s how we are supporting the creation of new businesses and how we are helping existing businesses build resilience going forward.
New funding for start-ups
Recognising that many fledgling businesses missed out on much of the Government’s Covid-19 related funding schemes, the Council has dedicated its Local Enterprise and Apprenticeship Programme (LEAP) funding to the local start-up sector.
Here’s what some of the latest fund recipients had to say.
Start up Local
Start-Up Local is a council-led initiative to support residents who have recently started, or might be considering starting, their own business.
A new set of online resources providing guidance and signposting to many aspects of start-up business support have been developed and can be accessed at on the Horsham District Council website.
High street training a success
2020 saw us team up with Solent University and the Chichester College Group to deliver a programme of free online training for local high street businesses.
The training covered how businesses needed to evolve to meet changing customer demands, how to source new sales opportunities, use new online distribution and promotion methods, and how to spot new high street trends.
There was a fantastic response with some 70 of the District’s businesses taking part.
What's coming up
We will continue to support the retail and high street sectors through a series of recorded specialist information sessions and online drop-in workshops throughout the summer of 2021.
Future projects planned for 2021 also include a Pop Up Shop facility in Horsham to aid small independent businesses gain experience of high street trading for the first time.
We are also set to support the launch of a new artisan market in Henfield, in addition to the Horsham based outdoor markets, all of which provide opportunities for start-up and small businesses to trade.
There will also be a Shop Improvement Grant Programme later in 2021 which will enable our retail businesses to apply for up to £4,000 of funding to make improvements to their premises.
Get in touch
For further information on any of our business development schemes, email business.development@horsham.gov.uk
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