Welcome aboard our new look Mobile Community Hub

Edition: Summer 2021

Never has it felt more important to reach out to the younger people of our District than now.

New look Mobile Community Hub with Youth Workers, Paula Lintott and Jemima Shier

During lockdown we decided to give our Mobile Community Hub a bit of a makeover before it goes back on the road to provide a key mobile youth provision service for local teenagers.

For a number of years the Mobile Community Hub, formerly known as the Snack Wagon, has been a key component within the Horsham town area providing a range of detached youth work in a variety of settings for young people aged 13 to 18 years.

Winner of the Mobile Community Hub design competition Fuzzylynn Isaccs

With the easing of Covid-19 restrictions, the newly liveried vehicle will provide a safe environment for young people to gather with their friends, grab a free bite to eat or drink and chat with our youth workers from 4The Youth who can provide advice and resources on lots of issues, particularly those generated by the pandemic.

Pictured: Collyer’s art student Fuzzylynn Isaacs who created the winning design for the new livery.

I am looking forward to getting back on the road in the Mobile Community Hub and supporting our young people at this time.

Our conversations often turn to their school situation and how they are finding it. Also young people's relationships with friends and other people in their lives are popular topics.

We are often a sounding board for their frustrations.

Youth Worker Paula Lintott

Find out more

For further information about the Council’s Youth Provision Service please email dan.fairchild@horsham.gov.uk, call 01403 215624, or visit the Council's website.

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