Crime and disorder survey results

Edition: Winter 2020/2021

We asked our residents about safety concerns in the District.

A well-lit path in a park on a dark night

The Council is a lead member of the local Safe and Well Partnership, and in January 2020 we launched a survey to collect Horsham District residents’ views on crime and disorder. Thank you to the many of you who responded to our survey.

A number of issues were covered and we were pleased that some  774 people completed the survey.

Some of the top-line results are:

  • 92% felt very or fairly safe during the day and 52% felt very or fairly safe after dark.
  • 75% felt a visible police presence would make them feel safer, 44% said CCTV and 39% said better lighting would make them feel better.
  • 54% were very or fairly worried about being a victim of crime.
  • 21% said they had been a victim in the past three years.
  • 83% felt lack of respect for others and their property was the main cause of crime in the District.
  • 70% believed incidents of crime were due to drug abuse, and 70%believed they were because there was not enough police.
  • Asked about the top three things the Council should focus on, 62% said dealing with drug and alcohol use, 56% said anti-social behaviour, and 40% said knife and gang crime.
Horsham District Safe and Well Partnership

Action planning

Your views really do count and this information will be considered by members of the Safe and Well Partnership who will ensure that action plans to address crime and disorder focus on this valuable feedback.

Read the latest edition

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