Join up now for our free health and wellbeing advice

Edition: Winter 2020/2021

Eating well and keeping active, whatever our age, situation or ability, brings real benefits to our physical health and mental wellbeing.

Horsham District Wellbeing

Take a look at just some of the help and advice our Health and Wellbeing team have on offer which is completely free to access.

Ditch the diet this January

While many people often use the New Year to make big lifestyle changes, these can often be time-consuming, expensive and just too much hassle. Our team want to encourage people to consider the basics of healthy eating and focus on small manageable changes.

We offer a number of programmes and sessions to support you to achieve your goals. How can we help you?

New tailored health packages

We recognise that there is not a ‘one size fits all’ approach when it comes to staying healthy. Our new wellbeing package looks more closely at three different areas of health and wellbeing and is offered via phone or video call. Sessions cover emotional health and wellbeing, healthy eating and nutrition and physical activity.

Weight Off Workshops

Over the course of 12 weekly sessions our workshops focus on weight loss, and both physical and emotional wellbeing, along with advice for sustainable lifestyle improvements.

You will also get the opportunity to sign up for free exercise for the  12 weeks. Whether you opt for our group sessions (face to face or online) or one-to-one via phone, you will get the support of our knowledgeable course leaders to help you achieve your goals.

I have lost weight without feeling that I'm on a diet. I'm sleeping better and having fewer anxiety attacks

Weight Off Workshop attendee
90 Day Men's Health Challenge

Team up for the Men's 90 Day Challenge

After the success of our first Men’s Health 90 Day Challenge we are excited to be running it again this January.

Need to get in to shape but struggle with going it alone? Then team up with some mates and get involved with the Men’s 90 Day Challenge.

Using our Wellbeing MOTs throughout the challenge, which give a picture of your overall health, teams of between two and four males will compete to top the league.

You will have access to weekly online sessions focussing on top tips to help you lose weight sensibly and keep it off, as well as free exercise sessions (gym, swim, run, online classes, outdoor fitness).

There will also be prizes for the winning team (worth over £200) and runners up as well as some great spot prizes along the way. What have you got to lose (apart from a bit of weight!?)

Get in touch

To find out more about what’s on offer visit the Horsham District Wellbeing website, email or call us on 01403 215111.

Read the latest edition

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