Bin collections over Christmas and New Year

Edition: November 2022

There will be no collections on the Christmas and Boxing Day Bank Holidays on 26 and 27 December.

Two green bins and a snowman with snowflakes

Our Waste Collection team will be working on the New Year’s Day Bank Holiday on Monday 2 January, in addition to working additional Saturdays on 7 January and 14 January to catch up. Collections will be back to the normal schedule week commencing 16 January.

Garden waste collections will be suspended over the festive period from week commencing 26 December and will resume on Tuesday 10 January.

Householders can view and download their own personalised bin collections calendar.

If you require assistance to view the online personalised collections calendar please ask a family member or you can request a printed version from our Customer Contact Centre by calling 01403 733144. Our people will be redeployed to empty all dog bins and litterbins throughout the District during the Christmas week.

Read the latest edition

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