Coffee lovers in Horsham District reach recycling milestone

Edition: November 2023

In January 2023 we partnered with Podback to launch a free collection service for residents to recycle their used coffee pods from home.

Special collection vehicle
Podback logo

The service has proved to be a great success with over half a million pods collected and recycled in the first six months of operation.

By recycling we reduce waste and give materials a second life. Once collected from the kerbside, the coffee pods are taken to specialist aluminium and plastics reprocessing plants in the UK.

The plastic and aluminium are transformed into new products, including beverage cans, car components or plastic garden furniture and building products. The coffee grounds are used to create soil improver and renewable energy (biogas).

Visit our Recycling pages

Find out more about our coffee pod collection and recycling schemes, including how to book a collection.

Read the latest edition

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