Our HOTBIN winners get composting

Edition: November 2023

To celebrate the launch of our subsidised HOTBIN food composter offer for residents, we gave you the chance to win one of six HOTBINs worth almost £300.

HotBIn winner 4

Our winners shared their top tips to reduce food waste to enter our prize draw.

HotBIn winner 1

Some of their great tips included:

  • Using up leftover ingredients to create rainbow stir frys and risottos or cooking them up into tasty potato cakes.
  • Getting children involved in cooking their own food.
HotBIn winner 2
  • Keeping bread in the fridge for freshness and turning ends of loaves into breadcrumbs to save waste.
  • Using coffee grounds on the garden.
  • Freezing herbs so you always have them at hand for cooking.
  • Cooking down fruit that’s getting past its best to make delicious compotes.
HotBIn winner 3

Why recycling is great

Some 41.5% of our average waste bin is made up of food waste.  However, up to 70% of that waste can be avoided.

By finding ways to reduce our food waste, composting, or sharing our surplus food, we can save money, save the environment, and support our communities too.

Go greener at home

If you missed out on the competition, Horsham District residents can still purchase a HOTBIN with a 10% discount, or bag a discounted compost bin through West Sussex County Council.

Read the latest edition

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