Edition: November 2023
We want to thank residents for completing our climate action survey – we had over 750 responses
The survey asked residents about what climate actions they feel are most important, what they are already doing, or would consider doing with more support. Your responses, along with other engagement will help us finalise our Climate Action Strategy and make sure it includes what matters most.
The final strategy will include a 10-year action plan for the Council, our key partners, local businesses and the wider community.
Survey headlines
Over the coming weeks we will be analysing the results and comments.
Key priority areas across our categories that you ranked as most important included:
- Renewable and low carbon energy use for buildings
- Increased local public transport options for greener travel
- More recycling and reducing our waste
- Wildlife friendly projects
- Supporting Parish and Neighbourhood Councils and community group initiatives
Actions at home
It was encouraging to see that many people are already taking action. Respondents were already doing around 80% of the actions we had listed in the survey. A large number of you are reducing energy consumption, water usage and household waste. Many of you are also making eco-friendly and ethical choices when shopping, creating wildlife-friendly and more climate resilient gardens, and choosing more sustainable travel options.
Respondents primarily identified that the main challenge to them continuing their climate journey was affordability.
Stay up to date
To keep in touch with the latest climate action news through our monthly Climate Action newsletter.
Sign up for our Climate Action email newsletter
You can find out more on our website about our work to tackle climate change and protect our environment.
If you have any questions, please contact: climatechangeaction@horsham.gov.uk
Read the latest edition
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