Edition: November 2023
Our new Council Plan, which was adopted in October, identifies our key priorities and drives our focus for the next four years.

It addresses the man-made climate change emergency, the ongoing impact of the cost of living crisis for residents, maintaining and building a thriving local economy and moving forward with more sharing and more community involvement.

Supporting people and communities
Our District is a great place to live and everyone deserves to benefit. We’ll provide help in tough times and build communities where people can flourish and have fun.

Inspiring greener futures
We aim to be a net zero council by 2030 and a net zero district by 2050. Horsham District will be held in high regard for best practice in rewilding, regenerative farming and recycling.

Building a thriving local economy
Our District will be known as an easy place to do business. We’ll work to overcome challenges and keep our high streets thriving, both in Horsham town and across the District.

Always listening, learning and improving
We’re stronger when we work together. That means more sharing and more community involvement. Local democracy has to mean more than just an election every four years.
Alongside our Council Plan we will publish an Annual Plan each February. This will set out our actions for the next 12-months. The Annual Plan will be prepared together with our annual budget and Council Tax arrangements.
Our Council Plan 2023-2027
Read the latest edition
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