Edition: Summer 2020
In September 2019 we set up the Horsham District Community lottery to help fund local good causes across the District.

The ethos of the scheme is all about benefiting charities, volunteer groups and not-for-profit organisations, enabling residents to support their communities.
A flying start
We are delighted that this new community lottery has proved really popular with over 900 players and 77 community groups signed up, and over 1,800 tickets sold since it launched.
Thanks to this level of interest the lottery is on target to raise £56,000 for local good causes.
We love the Horsham District Community Lottery because it lets our members play and creates a fun environment with the chance for them to win some cash!
The funds we have received from the lottery invested in vital equipment for our swimmers and also allow us to develop our coaching team who support our swimmers to reach their full potential.
Atlantis Swimming Club, Horsham
As a small independent charity fundraising is key to our survival. This lottery is great because it promotes our profile across the District, but also provides us with an income stream that helps keep our vital services running.
Age UK Horsham District
Join up to the Community Lottery
It’s free to join, easy to sign up and every community group has the potential to raise vital funds for their work.
A community group that sells the target 50 tickets a year can raise in the region of £1,300.
For residents, everyone buying a ticket can choose which community group they want to support.
Tickets are priced at £1 each, with 60p in each pound going to support local good causes. Ticket buyers could win a range of prizes including a £25,000 jackpot!
Buy your ticket now for a chance to win £25,000!
For more information and to buy tickets, visit the Horsham District Community Lottery website
Read the latest edition
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