Edition: Summer 2021
As a Council we are keen to try to engage with, and listen to the views and ideas of local young people. Check out two exciting new youth engagement projects we will be launching soon.
Giving young people a voice The Young People’s Safety Survey aims to gather the views of as many young people as possible around locations in their communities. We want to know where they feel safe, where they feel unsafe, and why. The intention is then to work with groups of young people to put as many of their ideas into action as possible.
Over the summer, we will be going out with the Mobile Community Hub, the Purple Bus and the Police Engagement Bus to meet with young people where they are gathering and encourage them to complete the survey. An electronic version will also be sent out via secondary schools in September.
For further information please email shelley.gosden@horsham.gov.uk.
We’re hiring!
We are also looking to recruit 16-18 year olds to act as ‘media representatives’ and get involved in writing articles, making films, and advising on how best the Council can target messaging to young people in the District. A job description for the role will be promoted through secondary schools in September.
For further information please email dan.fairchild@horsham.gov.uk.
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