Horsham Museum & Art Gallery gets ready for re-opening

Edition: Summer 2021

Our lockdown closure provided the ideal opportunity for a major refresh of our galleries and displays. Here’s what to expect as we welcome you back.

Horsham Museum and art gallery exterior

First of all, you will see the smiling faces of our volunteer front of house team, who will help keep you safe as you enjoy the fresh displays of Horsham District’s heritage, collected over the last 128 years.

The refresh has updated and improved our displays and enhanced the character of the 600 year old building, itself a museum piece, whilst keeping the quirky character of the Museum.

Accessible for all

We have made sure that the most popular stories are now told on the ground floor, which is easily accessible for everyone. The Horshamosaurus dinosaur bones will now lie alongside fossils of the great Horsham iguanodon, all at eye level for curious toddlers and curious adults alike.

The fantastic Anglo-Saxon jewellery collection will be displayed so people of all ages can see it without climbing the 18th century staircases. The very important Horsham hoard of medieval pots, that inspired souvenir china sold across the nation in Victorian times, will now take star billing alongside fantastic floor tiles rescued from Pulborough church when it was refurbished.

Horsham carpet by Judith Hurst

Opening exhibition: Judith Hurst

The Art Gallery will be reopening with a stunning art exhibit of Judith Hurst’s illuminated artworks, including a special piece dedicated to Horsham. Judith’s work is a wonderfully contemporary take on the art of medieval illuminated manuscripts.

The Museum will also display an original Constable sketch donated by the family of one-time Horsham art teacher, Vincent Lines.

For those who loved the old Museum & Art Gallery you can seek out your favourite pieces amongst newly selected objects, and for those who have never been, you can make new memories.

Stay up to date

Horsham Museum & Art Gallery will be re-opening in the summer of 2021 – until then keep up to date with by visiting our blog.

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