Edition: Summer 2021
One of the positives we can take from the last 16 months is that during the pandemic millions of people nationally stepped up to help their communities, neighbours and vulnerable people.

The people of Horsham District mirrored this response and came forward in their thousands to help wherever needed in all sorts of ways – delivering food, picking up medication, checking on vulnerable neighbours and making friendly phone calls to keep spirits up. And it wasn’t a short term commitment, as people are still continuing to put themselves forward.

Our heartfelt thanks go out to all our volunteers and the many community groups, parish and town councils and social media groups for the amazing work they have done and continue to do to ease the burden for others. It is an immensely proud achievement.
Looking forward
Thankfully it looks as if the worst and most restrictive elements of the pandemic are behind us now, however the need for volunteers still remains.

It can bring a great sense of achievement at having done something really worthwhile – it’s good to give back. It also gives a sense of purpose which for many people has been crucial throughout the crisis. There is also now broad agreement that volunteering can help your own health and wellbeing by addressing loneliness and improving mental health.

It also has an important role in tackling social exclusion and has a fabulous ability to unite people and communities. Volunteering is also a fantastic way of learning new skills and knowledge and boosting confidence – you’re never too old to learn!
With many of our local charities and voluntary organisations now re-opening after lockdown, the need for more volunteers is as great as ever.

How to get involved
There are still challenges ahead where volunteers will be key for support. Thankfully the Horsham District has a Voluntary Sector Support service who works with charities and community groups to provide volunteering opportunities and infrastructure support. So if you are interested in volunteering and want to make a difference in your community please get in touch with us now.
Get in touch to volunteer
To get in touch you can email us at volunteering@horsham.gov.uk, visit our website or just give us a call on 01403 215191.
Read the latest edition
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