Getting you into work

Edition: Summer 2022

We run three popular employment support services to help people in Horsham District to find jobs.

Wish 50+ Jobs meeting
Wish 50+

WISH 50+

We have recently launched our new employability support hub for local people who are aged over 50. Based in Lavinia House (behind the Drill Hall on Denne Road) in Horsham, WISH 50+ provides weekly sessions on many different topics, which help people back into work or on the road to getting back into employment or volunteering. We have access to local recruiters and vacancies, and can help prepare you for opportunities you might be interested in.

The sessions, running between12noon and 3pm, are group-based and cover topics such as career planning, making job applications, preparing for interviews, and dealing with work challenges.

Y Wish

The Y-Wish Youth Hub

If you are between the ages of 18 and 24and need some advice and guidance on your future career and workplans, the Y-WISH Youth Employment Hub in Horsham’s Swan Walk is the place to go.

We help with CVs, job applications, interviews, and can guide you through the maze of job sites and apprenticeship options, and introduce you to ideas you may never have considered. We also work with lots of specialist partners, who can support anything else you may need help with.



We run an employment project for local people who are over the age of24 called In2Work, another offer from the Journey to Work team at the Council.

We provide one to one support and mentoring - face to face or virtual; careers and job seeking advice; CV reviews and interview support and any other support you need through our partners.

For more information about local job opportunities, careers advice and employment support, visit our Jobsfair website.

Get in touch

Email our employment support team at

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