Edition: Winter 2022
Young people’s emotional wellbeing is important at all times but the pandemic has made us ever more aware of the need to ensure that both young people and their parents have access to trusted support.
Throughout the summer holidays the Council, as a lead member of the Horsham District Safe and Well Partnership, worked in collaboration with other partners to create a programme of events to support families.
Here’s a snapshot of the various activities.
- Horsham Town Centre’s new Wellbeing Centre hosted drop-in sessions where parents and young people in year groups 7 to 11 could pop in to access advice and information. Specialist services were in attendance and there were free stress buster give-aways.
- West Sussex Mind hosted online and face to face informal sessions to discuss the challenges to young people’s mental health in recent times.
- 4The Youth and the Southwater Youth Project delivered support sessions at key sites throughout August.
- The Council’s Neighbourhood Wardens launched their ‘Talking Tents’ initiative in branded gazebos across the District. Some sessions were supported by Sussex Clubs for Young People. Wardens were available to have a chat and offer support and advice on the many support services available.
- A wide variety of activities which were well attended were also organised over the October half-term school holidays.
Find out more
For more information and advice about services and support for young people please visit our Children and young people webpage.
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