Becoming a more climate friendly District

Edition: Winter 2022

Our communities are all working hard to reduce carbon emissions across the District.

Planting orchards, installing water butts, composters and solar panels, switching to LED lighting and refurbishing a 1970s milk float to create a touring Inspiration Eco Station, are just some of the amazing projects delivered by community groups since the Council launched its Community Climate Fund in 2020.

Check out some of the most recent projects.

At Rock Farm

Rock Farm

Rock Farm is a six acre sustainable growing project near Washington.

It has recently been awarded £5,000 by the Fund to help it create climate friendly methods of food production, and develop innovative energy and nature conservation strategies, whilst providing healthy food for vulnerable local people.

Rock Farm for me is a slice of normality and peace during challenging times and usually with a very tasty outcome.

Rock Farm visitor
Rock Farm

Waste reuse to improve soil health, rainwater capture, wild food gathering and tree planting to create a food forest are all key aspects of their sustainable work.

Commenting on the initiative, Project Development Manager Ben Szobody said:

Thanks to the Council’s funding we are now moving quickly to regenerate our depleted  farmland, grow more fruit and vegetables sustainably and distribute them to people in real need.

Ben Szobody, Project Development Manager

Horsham Sports Club

Horsham Sports Club has received funding towards converting the flood lighting on its tennis courts from Halide lights to more efficient LED lights. This will reduce their carbon emissions by a massive 61% and will reduce their costs, which they can pass on to the local community and members by giving cheaper access to courts.

Friends of Horsham Park

Friends of Horsham Park are working with the Council to restore the Park House Sensory Garden which is now 30 years old. Water- wise and peat free planting is at the centre of their climate change project, Sense the Change, which was awarded some £2,000 from the Community Climate Fund.

Raised beds will be planted with drought tolerant planting and provide an opportunity to educate  residents and visitors on the types of climate friendly planting they can use in their own gardens, which will conserve water and be pollinator friendly to increase biodiversity.

How to find out more and apply

Community Climate Funds must be used for brand new projects, which will last beyond the funding provided by the Council and include a commitment to inform the wider community about the project and encourage others to act.

Find out about the Horsham District Community Climate Fund and how to apply


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